Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Top 10

This week we were asked to list the top 10 things we learned in our PR concentration, this top 10 list will not be as hilarious as Letterman's but I do believe it will be more useful.

10) I wish I had known about the whole portfolio thing when I was first accepted into the MSCM program. It really would have helped me.

9) Know your audience. In order to have a successful event or campaign you need to know who your target audience is and then you need to figure out how to appeal to them.

8) How to write a proper PSA. It needs to be short and sweet and give all he appropriate information at the same time.

7) How to put together a GOOD campaign book. It is a lot more intricate than one might think.

6) When dealing with outside vendors always have a written agreement between yourself and and them, that does not make you liable if anything goes wrong. We learned this during Ladies Lawn Night...enough said.

5) Design skills. Take Desktop publishing and other design classes this just helps you be more well rounded and while your at it you should also take web design, it never hurts and it's a fun class.

4) You may not like blogging or tweeting, but if our going to be in PR you need to learn how to use it. In my upcoming internship I have already been told that I will have to keep up with both of those things. Plus it is a great way to network!

3) Working well with others. I know it sounds like something your kindergarten teacher would grade you on but it is still true. Most of the time you will be working with other people and you will not always see eye to eye. The key is to compromise and pick your battles.

2) How to write a GOOD press release. This is something every PR professional will do regularly and you need to make sure it's a good one.

1) Meet your deadlines. I know there are extenuating circumstances that can happen. With me it is usually freak computer accidents, but you need to meet your deadlines, back up your documents, make sure your power point will run on a PC and a Mac, etc.

Those are my top 10,

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